Sunday, 30 October 2011

A few sketches

For my first post I thought I would share some of the sketches that I have recently done for one of the modules on my course
The brief was to look at different disciplines and see how the techniques used by the artists (in this case) could be used in my future work, such as presentation boards or sketch sheets.
So here they are :)
(I won't bore you with the details of the drawings but if you would like any more then feel free to contact me)

I think that if you click on the images they will open in the full size, or at least in a larger, format.

The Birth of a Blog

Welcome to my new blog! 

I have created this blog as the previous blogs that I made lack the 'professional' feel which is needed in the development of my work :)

So, In this blog I will be posting the work that I do both in and out of university
Please enjoy and I will update as often as I can :)