Monday, 21 November 2011


A word that strikes fear into many students (including me)!
I am maybe a little bit behind with the planning of it, however I am now gaining some momentum with it.

I have narrowed down my choice of questions from looking through some research and the title will be something like:

'Can high density urban living ever be sustainable?'

I am sure this gets you on the edge of your seat! I thought I would play to my strengths and use what information I already have in this area, as well as an interest in it.

I have found some amazing bits of research on the internet which I will link to in this post :)
(Im not going to post them all :P)

I am now off to finish off my plan so I can start writing tomorrow!

Wish me luck
(this website is pretty useful and well worth a read!)
(this is pretty smart - but veeeery expensive!)

Friday, 18 November 2011

RSA Project

This is some of the work from the initial stages of the RSA project which I have just completed at uni.
I am quite happy with the work and the design! 
The concept is an initial response and is currently under going further development for the final deadline.
Let me know what you think :)

It is mainly sketch work, so I shall upload the presentation boards once they are finished.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

A few more sketches

Second Wave!

So here are the rest of the sketches that I used for the module which I mentioned in the previous post, enjoy :)

As with before, if you want any more info on the pictures just let me know :)