Saturday, 30 June 2012

Final Model Making

So as I said in the last post, I needed to finish my final prototype model for yesterday (29th June).
Needless to say it has been a stressful week and Friday was a crazy rush to get things organised and wrapped in bubble wrap to protect them for the drive down. 
The stress was worth it, as the model is now finished! :D

Here are a few of the photos showing some of the processes that I went though in the final stages of model making (I said a few, but it might be quite picture heavy)!

 In the spray booth
 Orange parts sprayed and final touches of filler on the body
 The table part sprayed and nearly finished
 I decided I had to make a base that would hold a parasol, I also made it so I could fill it with sand!
 Dwayne from the apprentice was in the workshop developing some products so thought I would take the opportunity to get a photo
 The body sprayed and sticking on the seal
 The base for the umbrella fully made, just needed spraying
 The base needed to be taped off so that the grey front could be sprayed without covering the white
 The grey part sprayed
 This shows the tape removed, with only a few minor parts to touch up
 I painted the inserts that I had 3D printed and stuck them on to the body
 All the inserts fully stuck
 I used a jig to drill holes into the wings and the top to secure them together
 All secured
 The fully assembled table top
 I then cut out the silicone sheet for the non slip mat
 This is the final model fully arranged and on the pole!
The umbrella up, and all the model fully put together!
I will take a final photograph when the model is up at the show to get the full effect, but overall I am happy with the end result!

And comments would be great, and once again, thanks for reading!

Final Modelling!

As I write this I am on the train on the way down to London to prepare for the New Designers exhibition, which runs from the 4th to the 7th July.

To prepare for this I firstly had to re-work my presentation boards due to a change in the format that they would be showed. In the degree show we had four A3 boards that were split up into Research, Product Features, user Interaction and Materials and Manufacturing, however, for the New DEsigners exhibition, we were required to condense these four boards into one A2 board. 
This could have been done one of two ways, either shrink the A3 boards to A4 and arrange them onto the A2 page, or re-work the four boards and create a new A2 board, highlighting the key points.

I opted for the second option, even though it was more work...
So here is the board, the quality has been reduced for uploading, so if you want to see it in high quality, come and visit my show! :D

As well as re-working the presentation boards, I also had to finish my final prototype for the display! I will post some more pictures of the process in a second post, just to keep it organised! :)

As always, thank you for reading! 


Monday, 18 June 2012

Ohh by the way...

I found out today that I got a 1st class degree! How exciting! :D

So, I have a 1st Class BA (Hons) in Product Design!

I just need to graduate now :)

Thanks for following! 

Matt Bowman

Degree Show

I thought a little update was in order, as quite a lot has happened recently!
First off, the Uni degree show has come and gone, and it was a great show! As well as a brill practise for New Designers at the start of next month!
Thank you to everyone that managed to come down and check it out :)

So as that has finished I wanted to show you a few pieces of work that I did for the show :)

A picture showing the laser cutter in action! The first time is actually used it, but it came out pretty well :)
I used this to make a business card holder, a more memorable business card holder!

 Me bending the plastic to the shape that I needed, incase you hadn't guessed, its a hand...

 ...and here it is! The finished article! :)

Here is the business card holder in action, next to my lovely mug!

My presentation boards, example sketch sheets and my entire body of work for the final major project

This is my A1 board, that I posted previously! I also had my portfolio open for people to look through.

On top of displaying my work in the product design exhibition space, I was also chosen to show some of my sketches on the big screen in the lobby of the building! I was pretty chuffed when I was asked to submit some work for this, one of three people :)
However, I dont think my lecturer used my best sheets...

As usual, thank you for reading, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you want to know anything, and any feedback would be appreciated :)

Matt Bowman