To prepare for this I firstly had to re-work my presentation boards due to a change in the format that they would be showed. In the degree show we had four A3 boards that were split up into Research, Product Features, user Interaction and Materials and Manufacturing, however, for the New DEsigners exhibition, we were required to condense these four boards into one A2 board.
This could have been done one of two ways, either shrink the A3 boards to A4 and arrange them onto the A2 page, or re-work the four boards and create a new A2 board, highlighting the key points.
I opted for the second option, even though it was more work...
So here is the board, the quality has been reduced for uploading, so if you want to see it in high quality, come and visit my show! :D
As well as re-working the presentation boards, I also had to finish my final prototype for the display! I will post some more pictures of the process in a second post, just to keep it organised! :)
As always, thank you for reading!
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